King of Sloth (2024) by Ana Huang Review

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“I’m naming it the Sloane. Bitter at first but with a sweet aftertaste. Just like someone I know.”

“You don’t know how I taste.”

His smile took on a decidedly more wicked slant. “Not yet.”

I was the odd one out. I didn’t mind it; I would rather be single and content than in a relationship and miserable. But there were slivers of time when I wondered how it would feel to exist in the world knowing there was someone who loved me totally, unconditionally, and whole-heartedly for who I was instead of who they wanted me to be.


“I don’t want a kiss or a one-night stand. I want you. I want to know you outside work. I want to take you on real dates. And I don’t know if it’ll work out in the end, but I want us to at least try.”


Little did she know, there was nothing she could do that I’d mistake for weakness. She was one of the strongest people I knew, and only a fool would think otherwise.


“You kept asking me why I called you Luna. I didn’t tell you because I was afraid it would send you running for the hills. Even before we kissed, before we were anything other than a publicist and her client, you were a light in my life. A persistent, sometimes scary one, but a light all the same.”

“Luna is short for mi luna. My moon. Because no matter how dark the nights got, you were always there, shining so brightly that I always found my way through.”

“I love you,” I murmured. “Más que cualquier otra cosa en el mundo.”


“I won’t lie and say I know what our future looks like. No one does. But I do know that whatever happens, we’ll figure it together,” I said softly. “We always do.”


— Story Synopsis —

He’d never wanted anyone enough to chase them…until he met her.

Charming, easygoing, and rich beyond belief, Xavier Castillo has the world at his fingertips. 

He also has no interest in taking over his family’s empire (much to his father’s chagrin), but that hasn’t stopped women from throwing themselves at him…unless the woman in question is his publicist. 

Nothing brings him more joy than riling her up, but when a tragedy forces them closer than ever, he must grapple with the uncertainty of his future—and the realization that the only person immune to his charms is the only one he truly wants.  

Cool, intelligent, and ambitious, Sloane Kensington is a high-powered publicist who’s used to dealing with difficult clients. 

However, none infuriate—or tempt—her more than a certain billionaire heir, with his stupid dimples and laid-back attitude. 

She may be forced to work with him, but she’ll never fall for him…no matter how fast he makes her heart beat or how thoughtful he is beneath his party persona. 

He’s her client, and that’s all he’ll ever be. Right?

Overall rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

— My Thoughts —

I’m so sad it’s over… I savoured this book because I love it so much and I didn’t want to leave from the characters 😭 This might be my favourite book from the King of Sin series so far. WHERE’S MY IRL XAVIER? 🥲

The slow burn was so good. The bickering and light banter got me snickering too—it was so amusing.

Personally, I felt that this book isn’t as explicitly spicy as others but I was completely okay with it. I somehow enjoyed it still, despite the fact that the book focuses a lot on Xavier and Sloane’s personal struggles, family issues etc. Of course, their romance is still the main bulk / theme of the book. I’m just saying that Ana’s writing managed to hook my attention and allowed me to connect with the characters 🥰

I never ever thought I’d enjoy reverse grumpy x sunshine trope but hey, look at me now!

Can I also take a moment to thank Kai for his wonderful list of names? So many characters from other books were brought up—Alex, Dante, Christian… I literally went, “Wait, I know y’all!” 😆

Okay, another thing though… the iconic Valhalla Club shoe scene… am I the only one who liked it? Am I messed up in the head? 😂

I’m so sad I’ll have to wait till March 2025 to read Vuk and Ayana’s story 😭 Vuk… this man… he intrigues me 🤔

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