Hate Mail (2024) by Donna Marchetti Review

Written by:

“I don’t think there’s anything you could do to scare me off, Naomi.”


I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. I wanted to know you outside of these letters, but you were so damn mean about not wanting to be my friend. Of all the mean letters you sent, that one was the first one that actually hurt me.


“I didn’t want you to go home thinking that I didn’t want to kiss you.”


Dear Naomi,

I have an idea. If we’re still single by the time we’re both twenty-five, let’s get married. What do you think?


“I fell so hard for you that I couldn’t even enjoy anyone else’s company, because I had already decided that you were the one. I tried to tell myself that I was holding you up on a pedestal, that you couldn’t be as funny, or beautiful, or amazing as I imagined you were. Before I came to Miami, I had convinced myself that I was wrong for thinking I could be in love with someone I had never met. And then I met you in person, and it turns out I was right. Everything that I thought I felt was real. I fell in love with you all over again.”


Come hide away with you? Is that invitation still open? Because if it is, I’ll be on the next flight.

I know that we say mean things and joke around all the time (at least I hope you’re joking) but I want you to know that I mean it.



“We don’t have to move fast. You can come visit me, and maybe eventually you can move out of your apartment, and we can leave notes on the refrigerator and write letters to each other from opposite ends of the couch.”


He kisses me again, and when he pulls away, he says, “You can’t keep adopting every single animal that I foster.”

I think this means he’s coming with me.

— Story Synopsis —

Naomi and Luca have been pen-pals since fifth-grade. Well, more like bitter rivals caught in an epic battle of insults and verbal jousting…

But what starts as a hilarious chain of hate filled letters, slowly develops into a friendship spanning coasts and years. That is until one day, years later, when the letters suddenly stop.

It’s been two years since Naomi last heard from Luca. Two years since the letter that changed everything.

But when a new envelope turns up out of the blue at her desk at the local news station, Naomi is determined not to let Luca have the final word.

Overall rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

— My Thoughts —

This was a pleasant read albeit a little predictable! I loved the epilogue though.

The plot was simple to read and digest. The climax wasn’t shocking, because of how predictable the plot was. It’s a miscommunication trope though, so I felt frustrated at some points. Some parts of the plot and dialogues also felt a little repetitive.

I wished I could feel more tension between the characters. The letters were interesting to read — funny even. But when the characters interacted, it felt a little flat. For some reason, I still see them as students rather than working adults who fell in love with each other.

Another thing — I disliked Annie. Her role in the story felt a little pushy and invasive. Though she’s Naomi’s friend, I felt like she’s often giving really selfish advice. She didn’t really seem to care much of Naomi’s feelings either. Initially, I also thought Annie acted like a teenager from the way she acted and spoke. She also kept pushing Naomi for details about her relationship with Luca, in which I felt a little annoyed.

I was leaning towards a two-star rating for this book simply because the pacing was a little draggy and I didn’t felt the need to pick up the book and read on. But I loved the epilogue, so I decided to give three stars instead 😊

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