Creative Writing

Why I Love Writing

I always had a passion for writing and reading. I love how creative and imaginative I could get when I write. I love how every character created in the story will have their own little personalities, their own hobbies and dislikes to tell readers a specific message by the end of the story.

Aside from writing, I also love to read as there are no limits to my imagination when reading. I get to imagine how the setting of the location would be, I get to imagine how to characters in the story look like and I get to imagine how their little actions described would look like in a real-world setting. Aside from these, I also love how there is nuance in certain sentences and words said by the characters, allowing me to interpret if there are any hidden meanings.

Here are some samples of writing I have done during my free time as part of my hobby.

What happens when life brings you back to the person you’ve always wanted to avoid?

Meet Isabelle Green, a growing and well-known assistant director in the media industry and Nicholas Turner, a new and growing actor. A misunderstanding that resulted in their broken relationship.

An unexpected turn of events presented them with a chance for reconcilation. Would they take it up? Or would their pride stand in their way?

“Personally, I fear the feeling of being lost. When I was younger, I always associated being lost with losing my parents in a shopping mall and losing my directions on an unfamiliar street. As I grow older, I realised the meaning and definitions of fear can vary and change over time.”

“The funny thing about grief is no one truly knows what it is, or how it feels like until they experience it themselves.

No one has ever taught me how to survive through the six stages of grief, and when grief hits you, it hits you hard.”

“The day I felt the coldest, wasn’t when I stepped into a shopping mall on a hot day nor was it the day I visited London when I was at the age of nine.

It was the day I stood in front of my grandmother’s bed.”

“Singapore is a great city to live in. It is a clean, modern and safe country for us all to stay in. But could anyone think of any places that they will surely avoid? Well, I certainly can.”

“I was left by myself, overthinking the different possibilities that could happen. My palms started to grow sweaty with every minute that passes by. After another ten minutes, I saw the same security guard running towards me.”

“The annoying and piercing sound of the bell sounded, and I dragged my heavy legs to my classroom, preparing myself for school, a living hell.”

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